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Meet the Team

 Eric Nielsen, CFP Photo

Eric Nielsen, CFP

Financial Planner, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Life Insurance Advisor, Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

In 1997 Eric relocated to Calgary to begin his career focused on helping individuals and families accumulate, preserve and transition wealth.  Working with top tier Canadian banks and insurance companies in client facing and senior management roles, coupled with continuing education, Eric has built expertise building and implementing successful financial plans that address the personalized wealth management challenges and goals of individuals.

By obtaining a deep understanding of a client’s unique personal situation Eric helps clients and their families meet their immediate wealth management priorities.  All the while educating and addressing the impact current actions will have on future needs and goals.

A key point in Eric’s process is that in today’s complicated world, no professional can be a specialist in all aspects of wealth management.  As such, Eric ensures that each client situation is analyzed to see when and where it is appropriate and necessary to bring in other specialists to provide comprehensive wealth management services.   This means working with our clients' specialists to help a client save, invest and protect to create and enjoy their retirement and their legacy. Specialists often include accountants, lawyers, investment specialists, estate planning advisors, insurance advisors and charitable giving specialists.  This team based approach helps individuals take care of themselves, their companies, their families and the causes they care for now and in the future.

Virag Kawakami Photo

Virag Kawakami

Client Services Coordinator, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Email: virag.kawakami@manulifewealth.ca